best savings tips

Best Deals-“best money saving tips”

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What does mean?-

best online deals– “best money tips

Well, this is meant to be my gift of $100000 to you. Surprised? Worried? Doubtful? Don’t worry. This is not a scam. I am not going to ask you to make any payment anywhere on this website. Everything is free. Even the $100,000.

I am born and brought up in India. Then moved to the USA- first to do my MBA and then to settle down (In between, I founded and managed an investment services company in India). I am in the USA for around 10 years in total. I have learned a lot (and am still learning) about how US economy- the most advanced and most competitive- works. That is during my MBA as well as during living with my family in California. If you do not know, I am also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) from the CFA Institute which I believe is the most ethical organizations of financial professionals around the world. If you are familiar with CFA charter, I am sure I have your 100% trust and confidence. This website is not a scam. Let me repeat.

On, I am going to attempt to help an average American family save or make around 100,000 dollars. (Frankly speaking, I do not know if I have things for you that add up to $100000 for you at this time. Today I thought about creating a website to share my money tips with the world and have just registered the domain name However, I am seriously going to share all my knowledge, wisdom, tricks to make you more wealthy and your life a more pleasure. April 07,2008.)

Unlike most MBAs, project managers or authors who believe in planning first, I am a doer. I like to start doing it. Just do it- I like Nike for it. I know my goal: that is to help you with 100000 dollars worth of savings. If I can make it happen, I would pat on my back. If I fail, to whatever extent I could help you, please take it as my gift alongwith my apologies for creating false expections in minds of readers like you. Also, everything on this website is not my brainchild nor are my own ideas. The life is a journey and whatever comes along it, I like to take it for my personal benefit and to share with people like you. With that spirit in focus, I am going to share my tips, knowledge, smartness (if there is any), wisdom on this website. Said that, if you have something that can help me reach to my $100,000 target, please share it with me for the benefits of fellow Americans.You will be given full credit for your ideas.